Thursday, March 31, 2011

Even more less fat

You look at a label for food these days and everything says "Less Fat!" There are always caveats like "less fat than the regular brand", or "less fat than a pound of bacon inside 2 pounds of ground beef", or "Less fat than Fat Albert". They can legally say less fat, because those caveats are true.

Well here's my caveat of the day; I am now 3 1/2 pounds less fat than the Ben of just two days ago. That's right, another run and swim even followed by proper refueling (G2 and a tasty Odwalla bar), and I lost 1 1/2 pounds last night. Wouldn't it be great if it just worked like this every day? I know it can't continue like this forever, but I'm certainly going to keep watching my portions and eating the right foods to do whatever I can to support it.

One of the things I've been doing is properly refueling within 30 minutes of the end of my workout, though I have been reading that eating within 15 minutes following a workout is even better. It's been mostly a lack of preparation on my part that has been getting in the way of that. Usually, I'm doing something right up until the minute it's time to leave to workout and we wind up leaving 5 minutes late as Rach waits for me to get my stuff together.

Because of this we're usually racing to get home so I can get my refuel in within 30 minutes. I've been using the products from the GU/Fluid sample pack I won at World Multisport Expo. In particular I've been working my way through the Fluid samples. I had the chocolate and tropical so far, and I have to say i liked them quite a bit. The Chocolate I put in milk, because chocolate water has never appealed to me. The tropical was in water, and it was not quite as good as the chocolate, but I "choco" that up to personal taste. I haven't tried the berry yet, but if it's got any raspberry qualities, I will probably respond negatively to it. We'll have to see.


- Tonight is a 1 hour ride in zones 1 and 2. I don't have the Garmin piece I need to track speed on my bike while indoors right now, but I can at least do RPM and heart rate for the period. I'm hoping to get the speed and cadence sensor before the season starts.

- I'm pretty much in love with Training Peaks. I just need to find the financial wherewithall to upgrade to a premium membership in order to be able to modify my training plan so that the workouts all fall on the days I want in a given week for weeks I need to make a change.


  1. First time visiting,

    Congrats on the weightloss, coming from a meataterain, I find that lots and lots of veggies help shrink you

    See you at Rev3 CP

  2. Thanks BDD, and you're right about the veggies. Looking forward to CP!
