Friday, December 11, 2009

Team Fuji 2010!

Yesterday, I learned that Fuji Bicycles had begun sponsoring athletes of all levels who are fans of the brand and want to be involved. The idea is that while it will be a team, being a top competitor isn't the only thing (or even the primary thing) they're looking for. Cyclists and other athletes of all levels ride Fuji, from Matty Reed and his D-6 RC all the way down to me with my entry level Absolute 4.0. Fuji is looking to tap into that to increase market share, and well, help some folks pimp their rides along the way.

Being that I never grew out of getting incredibly excited about new things from companies that I love, I had to apply immediately. I told them about being fat, only being back on the bike a little over a year, commuting, getting into triathlons, the wedding, and my second place AG finish at Maumee Bay Sprint Tri. I also told them I'm a smooth talker, with a great personality, and that every triathlete I've ever met loves me, so they couldn't possibly do better than having me on the team. (I left off snappy dresser and showering daily; that would have been overkill).

I waited with baited breath (I have never understood why someone would bait their breath, but whatever), and checked my email every 5 minutes (ok, maybe every hour, except when I was sleeping). My efforts were rewarded at 1:03 PM today when I got the response letting me know that I had been TEAM FUJI APPROVED!

Suddenly, it was as if all those years of being picked last for dodgeball, taking 16 years to graduate college, and having twice attended Star Trek conventions was washed away. I was now a representative for one of my favorite brands, one that I use regularly and honestly believe in.

Of course, being selected for Team Fuji isn't just fun and happiness. I now have more than just my own personal pride on the line when I'm competing. People will also know that I'm representing Fuji (mostly because I'll shout it to anyone who will listen). So, I'm really going to have to be serious about all the training and preparation for the coming season.

Thanks Team Fuji, looking forward to a terrific season! I won't let you down (too much).

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